This my 500th blog post! Quite a little landmark! So perhaps I could ask a little favor from my network. If you purchased my new book, The Acquirer’s Playbook, and many of you did, I need your help.
I’d love a short review of the book for Amazon. Here’s the page link – review. Further down the page, there’s a customer review section.
My friend BenGomes-Casseres, Professor of International Business; Director of Asper Center for Global Entrepreneurship, Brandeis University (International Business School) wrote this very nice review:
This little black book is packed with valuable how-to recommendations. If you are contemplating an acquisition, or being acquired, or just want to know how deals are done (well), the Acquirer’s Playbook will be a useful and accessible handbook. It is written by a seasoned executive, and exudes wisdom from practice. I don’t know of another book like this — not war stories, but actionable advice, clearly stated.