The spotlight often falls on the CEO as transformations take place: WSJ – Ferrari’s new CEO Benedetto Vigna and his transformation plan. Forbes – How GE’s CEO used a Japanese manufacturing tactic to turn the company around—and got the stock to outperform...
Sometimes you meet a friend through a network event, or a common connection, or though your kids but rarely do you realize you have a new friend through a book! Branding For Buyout by Ted Schlueter nails one of the realities of private company exits – most owners need...
This week we are launching a new service dedicated to private company owners who would like to sell their business in 2025 or later. Our Pre-Sale Operational Excellence Service is designed to address the following problem in the market. Hint it is not lipstick on a...
We have worked with clients over many years to scale their businesses through operational excellence. We think of it as grooming a company over time for a potential sale even if the shareholders choose to hang on to it. As a private company owner considering floating...
Buying Companies Most acquirers embarking on an acquisition are ill prepared to successfully buy another company and integrate it. Research consistently tells us we are weak at this common corporate tactic – buying other companies. Acquisitions are for...