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Sport & Business a Mental Game

Whether you played sport at school, college or perhaps professionally you understand only too well how your mental approach often dictated success. I ran competitively from 16 to 27. An athlete with a little talent I achieved modest success at 800m being ranked in the...
The Cost of Mediocrity

The Cost of Mediocrity

Seth Godin in his new book – The Icarus Deception writes that in the context of sinking or swimming we are indoctrinated into believing we actually sink when we fail. Do we? he asks. “In fact, in the connection economy, it’s the person who doesn’t enter the arena who...
Zooming Out & Zooming In – 10x Management Revisited

Zooming Out & Zooming In – 10x Management Revisited

This is an update of a post first published in May last year. The original post was inspired by the book Great By Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos and Luck – Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Chris Collins and Morten T. Hansen. As the authors illustrate so well...
Entrepreneurship & Storytelling

Entrepreneurship & Storytelling

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell tried to explain why events, stories, issues go viral. Why they spread. And his explanations are as important today as they were when he first published in 2000.  There is so much in this book to inspire entrepreneurs to think...