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Sycamore Networks – Can we learn from a $45Bn Bubble Bursting?
In March 2000 Sycamore Networks was worth $45Bn. On Feb 1st in 2013 the company was worth $64 million. During the past 15 years a few milestones are worth noting: In 1998 the company’s reason to exist was to develop new-age gear to direct the growing volume of digital...
Getting Ahead of The Curve – Some Trends Worth Understanding
You could be in email marketing, recruitment, niche manufacturing, wealth management, cloud services or a million other SIC code sectors. So what big trend will transform your industry over the next 5 years? I’ve gathered together some ideas from smart thinkers for...
The Cost of Mediocrity
Seth Godin in his new book – The Icarus Deception writes that in the context of sinking or swimming we are indoctrinated into believing we actually sink when we fail. Do we? he asks. “In fact, in the connection economy, it’s the person who doesn’t enter the arena who...
Zooming Out & Zooming In – 10x Management Revisited
This is an update of a post first published in May last year. The original post was inspired by the book Great By Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos and Luck – Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Chris Collins and Morten T. Hansen. As the authors illustrate so well...