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Social Media & Your Employees – What’s Your Policy?

Blog Posts – Where Do You Find Topics?

Where do you find great ideas for a daily or weekly blog? Here is a checklist of sources you might find useful. Once you’ve listed your top 50, I would recommend listing them in a simple editorial calendar like this: Appoint authors for each post and an overall...
Social Media Tips For CEOs

Social Media Tips For CEOs

Let’s be practical. Do you have time to get involved in social media? Because it does take time. The good news from first hand practical experience is that by allocating about 2 hours per week including 10 min per day you can build a very productive presence in...

MITX Events – Free Social Media Tools

There were so many great tips and tricks given out at yesterday’s MITX event I felt the need to blog about my take from the session. Panellist details are here:Web Sites/Tips mentioned:Slideshare.com – open an account and start sharing, get your words...