As the owner of a private company, are you in charge of your own destiny or are you sitting in the passenger seat? Perhaps you’re tired? Or perhaps you have lost interest in the cause that got you so excited, all those years ago? Whatever the reason it is never too...
As you build your business each year with higher revenue and hopefully profitably, it may seem a reasonable assumption that the value is constantly increasing and that you could sell it one day. You would be mistaken. Approximately 90% of private companies coming to...
We’ve produced a series of videos in small bite sized chunks to allow you to digest some or all of the ideas surrounding the Saleability Test. The essence of the test is to determine the company’s exposure to dependency. Buyers/investors don’t like dependency....
From 1988 to 2000 I bought and sold a lot of businesses usually doing around 5 deals per year, that’s over 50 deals with an average value of $10m per deal (a little sample of deals is posted here). However I probably handled over 200 deals but failed to secure an...
It’s very tempting to compare the buying and selling of houses with businesses. Be careful. For example buying another business is like buying a house but only if you include the family inside it! Selling a business has similarities to selling a house, ignoring...
Here is the big picture. In the US there are 27.3m enterprises of which 634,000 employ 20 people or more. 5568 or 0.9% sold out last year for $10m or more. Source, US Census Data and public M&A tables. Here is a test to help you work out if you are saleable at a...