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The Jugular Metric

The Jugular Metric

In every business there is a jugular metric that has unreasonable importance. Some observers believe the stock market hinges on one metric, Mr. Shiller’s CAPE ratio. The ratio CAPE is the cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio. It’s based on 10 years worth of...

10 Metrics That Bind Companies – Align Staff

What gets measured gets done. But scaling companies and aligning all the efforts of your team requires specific measurements worth sharing. Don’t underestimate the power of sharing one department’s metrics with another. In fact let me show you the power...
Measurement – A Reminder from Bill Gates

A New Role for the Finance Team

These days a finance department is a metrics department. What gets measured gets done. There needs to be much more clarity around whose job it is to take action when ratios are going the wrong way.  There needs to be more visual cues in our dashboards, reports and...
Analysis For Action – Self Managing Metrics

Analysis For Action – Self Managing Metrics

Dean Takahashi wrote a great piece in VentureBeat about the Quantified Self, one of the big trends of 2012. Capturing metrics is hardly a new concept but the exciting development for metrics lovers (that would be me included) is that technology is making it even...