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Checklist to Transform Your Meetings
We are awful at meetings. They are often too long, unproductive, not fun, and have lost their reason to exist. So let me help you with 10 quick actions to transform them. Checklist First, test the reason to exist of all your existing meetings by doing something...
The Quarterly Employee Meeting (The QM)
The Quarterly Meeting is a great tool to really motivate your team. These are the lessons I’ve learned to make these a success: Lessons Maximum time 60 minutes. Maximum agenda items 5. Suggested agenda items: Update on Sales Performance Update on People Update on...
Questions & Meetings
What questions are your meetings trying to answer? How many meetings have become tired, stale, past their sell by date. Think about it. What questions are your current meetings answering? – General, bland stuff that leads to zero insight, zero change? What happened...