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13 Myths About Entrepreneurship

13 Myths About Entrepreneurship

  It’s all about profitability. It’s not. It’s about positive cash flow. You go bust through lack of cash, not profit. Websites are the responsibility of marketing people. Wrong. Today the website is the responsibility of the CEO. Most websites are a disjointed,...

10 Top Tips To Motivate Employees

I confess I find my own practical experience matches most of the social science research on why people come to work – as described in Daniel Pink’s Book Drive.  Daniel’s book spotlights the big three as mastery, autonomy, purpose. I’ve added...

Could Weird & Quirky Help You Scale?

Container Store operates 59 locations, booked sales of $707m last year and six years ago sold a majority stake to a Private Equity House.  CEO Kip Tindell was interviewed on March 21 by the WSJ. Note the following facts from this interview: People in this company...

Ownership of Tasks – Key To Scaling

I see the same problem again and again as businesses try to scale their operations. You can’t afford to recruit a new person for every task. So tasks float around half done by the loyal servant with 10 projects to handle. Whether your business employs 5 people or 500...