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The Curious Mind of Brian Grazer

The Curious Mind of Brian Grazer

Apollo 13, Splash, 8 Mile, A Beautiful Mind, Friday Night Lights, Arrested Development, 24 were all produced by Brian Grazer. Brian’s new book A Curious Mind (co-written with Charles Fishman) sets out a brilliant case for being curious throughout your life. Is there...

Book Review – “difference” by Bernadette Jiwa

I read a very insightful book over Easter – difference by Bernadette Jiwa. Standing on the shoulders of some very smart people, she offers a compelling approach to reimagining your business. The thesis of the book involves a one page Difference Map. The map asks you...

Inside the Box – New Book on Smart Innovation

The WSJ did a great book review last week blowing up the myths surrounding brainstorming and innovation – Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results. The authors are professors at the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew University of...

Understanding the Drivers Behind the Next 5 Years

As I travel I read. Sadly I read far too many business books! Still the good news I get to share some special books that helped shape my views of how businesses can and should scale. These books will materially improve your understanding of the drivers that will shape...

The Power of Habit – A Really Powerful Book

I didn’t read this book I consumed it. So many great case studies illustrating the power of habit. How Habits Work – Charles Duhigg, a New York Times journalist explains precisely how habits work, why we need to aware of the signals, and how to change them...
Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Happy 4th. Today’s post – some great business books I’ve been reading on my Kindle – Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande Hope is Not a Strategy – 6 Keys to Winning the Complex Sale –Rick Page Drive: The Surprising Truth About...